Roles in South Wales Area Meeting ~ Rolau yng Nghyfarfod Rhanbarth De Cymru

Quakers have no priests or those put in authority over us, but share the work needed to maintain our society. 

  • When early Friends affirmed the priesthood of all believers it was seen as an abolition of the clergy; in fact it is an abolition of the laity. All members are part of the clergy and have the clergy’s responsibility for the maintenance of the meeting as a community. (Quaker faith & practice 11.01)

All roles in South Wales Area Meeting (SWAM) are held by Friends (Quakers) who have been usually been suggested by our Nominations Committee and who are customarily appointed for three years at a time. Every role holder is an unpaid volunteer.

Sometimes Friends are asked to serve on a Task and Finish group, or are appointed to attend and report back on an event or course, such as Britain Yearly Meeting or courses at Woodbrooke.

Nid oes gan y Crynwyr unrhyw offeiriaid na rhai sy’n cael eu rhoi mewn awdurdod drosom. Yn hytrach, mae’r gwaith sydd ei angen i gynnal ein cymdeithas yn cael ei rannu rhyngom.

  • “When early Friends affirmed the priesthood of all believers it was seen as an abolition of the clergy; in fact it is an abolition of the laity. All members are part of the clergy and have the clergy’s responsibility for the maintenance of the meeting as a community.” (Ffydd ac Arferion y Crynwyr 11.01)

Mae'r holl rolau yng Nghyfarfod Rhanbarth De Cymru yn cael eu cyflawni gan Gyfeillion (Crynwyr) sydd fel arfer wedi eu hawgrymu gan ein Pwyllgor Enwebiadau ac sydd fel arfer yn cael eu penodi am dair blynedd ar y tro. Mae pob deiliad swydd yn wirfoddolwr di-dâl.

Weithiau gofynnir i Gyfeillion wasanaethu ar grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen, neu fe'u penodir i fynd i ddigwyddiad neu gwrs, fel Cyfarfod Blynyddol Prydain neu gyrsiau yn Woodbrooke, ac adrodd yn ôl.

Roles include

Area Meeting Clerks

Children & Young Peoples' Work Advocate

Eldership & Pastoral Care Convenor

Eldership and pastoral care in Local Meetings

Hospital Chaplains

Prison Chaplains

Chaplains Support Group

Funeral Advisors

Safeguarding Coordinators

DBS verifier

Membership Clerks

Registering Officer for Marriages


Clerk to Trustees


Nominations Committee

Quaker Life Council Representatives

Meeting for Sufferings representatives

Environment & Sustainability Cluster

Cloud Storage Administrators

Website & Facebook Administrators

Hedyn newsletter Editors

Custodian of Records

Mae'r rolau'n cynnwys

Clercod Cyfarfod Rhanbarth

Eiriolwr Gwaith Plant a Phobl Ifanc

Cynullydd Henaduriaeth a Gofal Bugeiliol

Henaduriaeth a Gofal Bugeiliol mewn Cyfarfodydd Lleol

Caplaniaid Ysbytai

Caplaniaid Carchardai

Grŵp Cymorth Caplaniaid

Cynghorwyr Angladdau

Cydlynwyr Diogelu

Gwiriwr DBS

Clercod Aelodaeth

Swyddog Cofrestru ar gyfer Priodasau


Clerc i'r Ymddiriedolwyr


Pwyllgor Enwebiadau

Cynrychiolwyr Cyngor Bywyd y Crynwyr

Cynrychiolwyr "Meeting for Sufferings"

Clwstwr yr Amgylchedd a Chynaliadwyedd

Gweinyddwyr Storio ar y ‘Cwmwl’

Gweinyddwyr y wefan a Facebook

Golygyddion cylchlythyr Hedyn

Ceidwad Cofnodion

The four Area Meetings in Wales and the Southern Marches, and Crynwyr Cymru –  Quakers in Wales (CCQW), are becoming one charity, Cymar, on January 1st 2025. Because of its size  the single charity may be able to afford some paid administrative support. This should mean that some of the more arduous and time demanding tasks can be given to professional help.

It is hoped that this will free up our Area Meeting to focus on being more vibrant and nurturing


The banner image at the top of the page shows a table with a vase of flowers and the cover of the booklet: Advices and Queries ~ Cynghorion a holiadau