Peace and Social Witness News

Newyddion heddwch a thystiolaeth gymdeithasol

Mae'n ddrwg gennym ond nid yw'r dudalen hon yn cael ei chyfieithu i'r Gymraeg, er y gallai Cyfaill ddewis ysgrifennu yn Gymraeg

Minute on Ecocide from South Wales Quakers Area Meeting

March 2024: We have now received minutes from seven local meetings and from the Environment and Sustainability Cluster. All encourage the area meeting to support the campaign of Stop Ecocide International (SEI), which is campaigning for an international crime of ecocide, and to get involved. Some local meetings have decided to sign up themselves.

We agree to affiliate to SEI and ask the Environment and Sustainability Cluster to take this forward on our behalf.

A LINK to the minute via the Friends World Committee for Consultation, where it has been sent to encourage Quakers world wide to consider the issue.

Updated June 2024

Update from the SWAM Environment & Sustainability Cluster

February 2024: A recent decision was taken to discontinue monthly vigils outside the Senedd, but to hold such vigils on special occasions, including the summer solstice and national climate weeks. We wish to concentrate on joining the monthly vigils set up by Christian Climate Action Cymru outside Barclays Bank on Working Street, Cardiff, Barclays Bank is Europe’s leading fossil fuel investor.. These vigils take place on the second Saturday of each month, from 11am to 12 noon.

The main reason for this decision was that the footfall outside the Senedd is fairly small compared with the hundreds (if not thousands) or people walking up or down The Hayes, which is one of Cardiff's main shopping centres. So we can hand out far more leaflets. We have also begun handing out to young families copies of 'Caring for the Earth We Love', “a booklet for kids (of all ages)”


See Events page click on Peace & Social Witness


Why Isn’t Ecocide Illegal? Paham Nid Yw Ecoladdiad Yn Anghryfeithiol?

United Nations Association, Cardiff & District Joint meeting with South Wales Quakers and Cardiff Unitarians

Cymdeithas y Cenhedloedd Unedig, Caerdydd a’r Cylch Cyfarfod ar y cyd gyda Chrynwyr De Cymru & Undodiaid Caerdydd

Hilary Saunders & David George 

Via Zoom: Wednesday 11th October 2023, 19.00 – All Welcome Dydd Mercher Hydref 11eg, 2023 19.00 – Croeso cynnes i bawb
See Events page for more information

painting by Anne Gregson

Hiroshima Memorial Day: Shinnyo Lantern Floating 6th August 2023

There was a gathering at Haverbub in Hwlffordd ~ Haverforwest, with an exhibition about Hiroshima. The lanterns for Shinyou Lantern Floating were prepared there and at sunset they were taken to the river and set into the water

Arranged by Milford Haven Quakers and Pembrokeshire Peace Group

Wall hanging painted by Anne Gregson




from art work by Maura Hazelden

Summer News from the Environment and Sustainability Cluster

Many Quakers in Cymru/Wales took part in The Great Big Green Week 10th - 18th June 2023. Climate Cymru, to which many Local Quaker Meetings in south Wales are signed up to as partners, has a Green Tour. 
There was a Quaker event: "Cadw’r byd yn y goleuni Holding the Earth in the Light" near Abergwaun/Fishguard at a local church see Hedyn Gwanwyn/Spring 2023 (2023 01) for last year's event.

News from Newport ~ Casnewydd Local Quaker Meeting:

Cymru/Wales Armed Forces Day to be hosted in Newport

Newport was hosting Wales National Armed Forces Day on Saturday the 24th June 2023. We thought this gave us a little time to plan actions that would be effective and coordinated. For details of the day you can follow these links: UK Gov page: Armed Forces Day and Newport council's page

Newport Meeting planned a few small actions: we placed our peace banner on the front door when we met, throughout June. For the week before the event we placed a wreath of white poppies on the local Cenotaph. Our nominated charity to support for June was Campaign Against Arms Trade.

What did other Quakers do this year?

Quakers in Falmouth and other peace groups united against Armed Forces Day in Falmouth with a peace parade and vigils.

What other Quakers have done in the past?

Here is an article from 2019 about Salisbury Quakers holding an open house, when there was a three day celebration of the armed forces

Last year Hemel Hemstead meeting wrote to their local newspaper Celebrating Peace on Armed Forces Day and did an act of peaceful resistance

Also see our newsletter: Hedyn, which has information on what some Quakers in South Wales have been doing